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More to come stay tuned!

It's go time on day #10!
Chip is off to conquer the
Ultra Infinitus DECA-Marathon!

ATV is on site!
DJ starts at
4:30 PM
Come congratulate Chip and celebrate with us at Silver Towers Camp in Ripton!

Day #8! Chip had some company on the 9-miler! Thanks Geary!
Took a little detour that added
3 miles to his #8th marathon!

Day #9! Finished 2 hours faster!

Day #6 & #7 DONE!

Time to refuel!

Day #4 & #5COMPLETE!

Day#5 Climbing Mount Romance!

Chip's body is definitely feeling the work he's put in on these mountain trails! But nothing some Epsom salt and arnica won't soothe.
7 more marathons to go!

Not only is Chip running a marathon every day on mountain trails, but he's also running a mile at 6am every day with his dog MJ! MJ misses him so much during "race" week. A morning run is also a good warm up and wake up for the muscles, joints, heart, and mind.

Thankful for the good weather, still muddy, still buggy, the bug net is helping a lot! Got some blisters on the toes!
Send Chip some good energy to help him push through the next 8 MORE DAYS!
It's not about speed but about making it to the last marathon on day #10, taking it easy so he doesn't burn out too soon.

Chip had a great start to the 2024 Ultra Infinitus DECA-Marathon! Easing into 10 days of trail running marathons at elevations of almost 5,000ft! A little muddy, quite buggy, a slip in the river, but feeling resilient as he stocked up on calories and off to sleep early tonight! Ready for day 2!
Click below for details on Day #1's trail run!

Race Day
DJ Brett Mayhre
Saturday May 25th
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Check out Brett's Facebook page and learn more about his Recovery journey and 1,176-day running streak of at least (1) mile a day!!
Brett's DJ Facebook Page

Brett also does great work with Divided Sky Foundation!
Divided Sky Foundation is a Residential Recovery Program in Ludlow, VT
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